Welcome to Majestic Cobham
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Our marketing subscribers enjoy special benefits, like Loyalty Vouchers, Special Offers, Exclusive Deals, Private Tastings, Special Events and News about Majestic's Wines, Beers and Spirits.Once you sign up, keep an eye on your email inbox and enjoy a £5 off voucher to spend on your next shop of £50 or more on still wine only. Voucher not valid in Scotland or Wales. Click here for full terms and conditions.
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Your feedback and comments are really important to us and help your fellow wine lovers too. We'll always pop your name next to your post to show that it's genuine.
If you're out and about on this almost sunny day then pop in to see us for a little tipple, the tasting counter is open, showcasing some real goodies....
Bread & Butter Rose- An American beauty, full of fresh red fruit & melon flavours
MIX SIX- £13.99
Eddystone Point Chardonnay- A Tasmanian treat full of stone fruit flavours, pear juice and lemon curd.
MIX SIX- £15.99
David Finlayson Cabernet Sauvignon- With a Bordeaux background Finlayson has made this South African wine a fresh expressive red, with plenty of black fruits, coffee & vanilla.
MIX SIX- £16.99
Chateauneuf du Pape Reserves des Diacre-Dense, rich & heady CNDP at a snip of the usual price.
MIX SIX- £19.99
As a thank you to our staff, we’ll be closed on the 1st August! We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, and will be back open at 10am Monday morning as normal.
Please leave us a message or email an enguiry to Cob@majestic.co.uk and we will get back to you on Monday.
As a thank you to our staff, we’ll be opening later than usual on Monday 12th July - regardless of the result! We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, and will be back open at 10am Tuesday morning as normal.
We’re open as usual with strictly limited customer numbers in place to ensure everyone’s safety. Please check the traffic light system at the front door, and wait until the light is green and it is safe to enter.
You can place orders as normal by email or by phone, for collection or home delivery.
When emailing us your order, please include:
• Your name, address and contact number.
• The wines, beers and spirits (with quantities) you'd like to order.
• Please put COLLECTION or DELIVERY in the subject line.
• Please do not email your card details, we will call you to arrange payment and confirm your order. Deliveries are not guaranteed until confirmed by the store team.
Thank you for continuing to shop with us,
Majestic Cobham Team